Your First Session

If you are interested to receive somatic guidance, but are unable to come to the treatment room, there is the option of a, free of charge, 20 minute check in session (via video call/phone call/live messaging). This will allow us to to explore whether we are a good therapeutic match prior to online treatment.

In therapy room treatments, the consultation is part of your initial visit (1h20min). During the first 20 minutes, we will both be sitting facing each other on the available seating (sofa and chair), and I will go through a list of questions that will help me understand your current state of health and wellbeing. There will be an opportunity for you to state any boundaries you have, as well as your needs and intentions prior to the treatment.

The above will help us chose and plan a tailored treatment - for you, in that present moment, which can be either bodywork, somatic practice or a combination of the two. This includes clothing and towel options, as well as touch/no touch options.

Throughout the treatment, I will monitor and check in with you at any signs of discomfort (i.e. via body’s reactions such as: your breath, muscle spasms, skin appearance, behavioural and verbal indicators). If those signs appear, we can work together to adjust to methods that make you feel at ease and comfortable again.

With every treatment, thereafter, we will build upon this framework + if needed, adapt through active consent to any occurring changes.

Accessibility, Pricing & Boundaries

Start your journey with me

If your body is resonating ‘Yes!’ to my offering, it is time to arrange our first session together. Click the below button to begin.

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